Short Happy Life Of Francis Macomber Essay

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Tragedy In order to be successful an individual has to be willing to do anything in order to become prosperous. “A man does what he must- in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures- and that is the basis of all human morality”- Winston Churchill. In the short story, “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber”, Ernest Hemingway radiantly displayed the qualities of masculinity and how they affected the lives of the individuals who lived under those standers. Never less, however, these concepts no longer play as big of a role in the lives of individuals whose ancestors lived by these morals. In both the present day and in Hemingway’s time, men have feared showing weakness; leading them to take actions that endanger their own wellbeing. As shown in “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber” the protagonist decided to put his own life at risk his own life in an attempt to exhibit his masculinity; so that he was no longer regarded as a coward. Even though some people today might not go to the same extent to show …show more content…

In an attempt to preserve his “power” he lost his life in the very hand of the individual whom he was trying to impress. Although the concept of masculinity is o longer regarded with the same power, individuals continue to take actions to show their “bravery” in the eyes of other. An example of this is my own brother, who although is an intelligent individual, continues to be affected by the concept of masculinity. He spends countless hours going to the gym so that he may look stronger in the eyes of others. Even though he is fit, he is reluctant to give up and continues to preach for (a symbolic) perfection so that he may appear to be powerful. Even though he does not go to the same extent as individuals’ in Hemingways time, he continues to be in the hands of