In the short story of “A good man is hard to find” is about a family wanting to take a vacation but the grandmother had different plans for the family. The family wanted to take a trip to Florida, but the grandmother wanted to go to Tennessee instead. The grandmother tried everything she could to change her son Baily’s mind. Nothing seemed to work, because Baily was just stubborn like his mother. The grandmother finally does convince the family to go to Tennessee; and that is when things turn out for the worse for the grandmother and the family. Baily and his family find out the hard way how like can be very ironic. The grandmother attempts to get the family to go to Tennessee were relentless. The grandmother told the family that a serial killer by the name of “The Misfit” had escaped from prison and was he headed straight towards Florida. This attempt did not work on Baily. The grandmother next attempt was to tell Baily and his wife that they should let the children see the world. The children should visit Tennessee, so they could get out and enjoy life. This attempt also did not work. The grandmother finally got the …show more content…
The grandmother had jumped because she had realized she had made a terrible mistake. The grandmother had startled the cat she had hidden in her basket. The cat had jumped onto Baily and caused him to have an accident. Everyone was okay after the accident and was resting on an old bank. While the family was resting a car came driving down the road. The car stopped and three men had gotten out of the car. The grandmother immediately realized that one of the men was “The Misfit” and that sealed the fate for her and the family. “The Misfit” tells the grandmother that they would have been better off not recognizing him, but in the end it does not help. The family was taken into the woods where they were shot and killed by “The