Short Story Of Aunt Louis Jefferson

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The story begins with the murder of Mr. Grope by two black men. An innocent bystander named Jefferson is convicted of the murder which is an unwitting party to a liquor store shoot out in which three men are killed. He's sentenced to death, in his trial Jefferson's attorney explains to the jury "What justice would there be to take his life? Justice, gentlemen? Why, I would as soon put a hog in the electric chair as this." the only survivor is convicted of murder and sentenced to death. Grant Wiggins, who left his hometown for the university, he has returned to the plantation school to teach. As he tried to decide whether to stay or escape to another state, his aunt and Jefferson's godmother convince him to visit Jefferson in his cell and convey his learning to Jefferson before his death. …show more content…

However, they must first get permission from Sheriff Sam Guidry. To do this, they ask Sheriff Guidry's brother-in-law Henri Pichot for help. The Sheriff gives Grant permission. When Grant is not there Miss Emma, Aunt Lou, and Reverend Ambrose also visit Jefferson. Grant and Jefferson form a close friendship.

Unusual for the time, Grant also forms a friendship with Deputy Paul Bonin. In early February, it's announced that Jefferson will be executed on April 8. Around this time, Reverend Ambrose becomes concerned that Grant, is not teaching Jefferson about God and begins visiting him on a regular. This conflict reaches a head when Grant buys Jefferson a radio, which the people in the black community see as sinful. A visit from Paul in which he tells Grant that "Jefferson was the strongest man in that crowded room" when he was