
Short Summary Of Unbroken By Laura Hillenbrand

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American POWś and Japanese American internees went through efforts to dehumanize and isolation. Laura Hillenbrand, the author of Unbroken, explains the life of Louis Zamperini, an American POW that was imprisoned by the Japanese. Also the article (¨The Life of Minś Okubo¨) explains the struggles of a Japanese-American during the WWII, that got interned into an internment camp. In spite of efforts to make Japanese-American Internees and American POWś dehumanized and isolated, each if them resisted in their own ways. As a young boy, Louie Zamperini was a known visible person. Louie along with many others went through efforts to make them feel invisible. Louie would ask for food or water, and the guards would put a twist on what they asked for. …show more content…

citizen with a Japanese heritage. Miné along with many other Japanese-Americans were isolated because of what they looked like. The Japanese-Americans were reduced to a number making them feel like degraded. ¨ A women seated near the entrance gave me a card with NO. 7 printed on it and told me to go outside and wait(¨Miné Okubo¨).¨ The Japanese-Americans were so easily picked out of a group, they gathered all of them into internment camps and reduced them to a number. ¨My familyś name was reduced to a NO. 13680(¨Miné Okubo¨).¨ Miné along with the rest of the Japanese-American families were gathered and reduced to a number and isolated from the rest of the Americans. Japanese-Americans were placed into internment camps to separate them from the rest of the Americans. ¨All Japanese persons… Will be evacuated…(Instructions to all Persons of Japanese ancestry). After the FDR signed the Executive Order 9066, posters went up telling all Japanese-Americans that they had to go to internment camps, isolating them from the rest of the Americans. Japanese-Americans were not aloud to have cameras in the camps, so Miné used her artistic abilities.¨ Internees were not allowed to to have cameras, but Miné wanted to document what was happening inside the camps. She put her artistic talent to use making sketches of daily life inside the fences(¨Miné Okubo¨). Miné wanted everyone outside of the camps to know what it looked like where they were being held.

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