American Revolution: No Taxation

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The American Revolution Started in 1775 between Britain's Colonies and the Americans. The war started with a difference over the path in which Great Britain treated the provinces vs. the way they felt they ought to be dealt with. American natives felt they merited all the rights as the English men. They needed to be free, however the British then again felt that they were made to be utilized as a part of the way that suits them, the crown and parliament. This clash is exemplified in one of the energizing shouts of the American Revolution: No Taxation Without Representation. There were real occasions that prompt the American Revolution it was gradually constructed by time. The occasions sustained the craving of being free. 1754-1763 - French …show more content…

Since the Announcement Line was no more lawful, white pilgrims rushed into Native American domain. The surge of pilgrims brought clashes with gatherings like the Cherokee and the Shawnee. Since numerous Native Americans had joined sides with the British in the Revolution, America expressed that the Native Americans had lost all their rights. As a result of this, Native Americans were viewed as an "involved" country. The Native Americans didn't have an agent at the Treaty of Paris and felt that they were not piece of the "surrender" assention.

The American Revolution profoundly changed the lives of a lot of people. It decidedly influenced ladies and African Americans, however it ended up being unsafe to the Native Americans. • "Societal Impacts of the American Revolution." Independence Hall Association, n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.
• Josh. "Post-revolution Social Changes." American Revolution. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.
• Sarah. "A Revolution in Social Law." Independence Hall Association, n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2014.
• "American Revolutionary War." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 19 Oct. 2014. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.
• "The Impact of Slavery." Independence Hall Association, n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2014.
• Nisbet, Robert. JSTOR. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct.