Shorter School Hours Essay

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Longer School Days: Does it Really Help?

Longer school days would diminish a child’s happiness. Students barely want to attend school now, so why would the Board of Education even want to extend the hours? Oh, I know extended school hours increase test scores which increase ratings and that’s what really matters right, not the student’s social life, or their well-being, but what place you’re in, in the vast education race against billions of schools. However, it’s wrong, false, simply inaccurate, I mean there’s even evidence to verify its deceitfulness, such as “Children and teenagers in the United States spend more hours in school than kids in Asian countries, according to data compiled in 2009. U.S. children spent an average of 1,146 instructional hours per year in school, students in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore spent 1,050, 1,013, 1,005 and 903 hours respectively, according to However, students in Asian countries consistently outperform U.S. students on math and science tests” so, the question is, is it really benefiting students? The answer is no, the only thing lengthening the hours of school does, is belittle the student’s social life, cause stress, and depression, therefore there’s not a real reason to do it

How can a student …show more content…

Increasing school hours would also expand the number of students with depression due to school because it’s proven with statistics that students don’t enjoy being at school. Statistics of regular length school day shows that that students don’t feel positive toward school such as” The survey started with an open-ended question: “How are you feeling?” To which most of the students—75 percent—responded with negative emotions. “. Increasing the length of a school day would only increace the percentage of students who respond negatively to school. Therefore, increasing the school day would be detrimental to the student’s emotional