Should 17 Year Olds Be Put Through The Adult Legal System

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Studies in Commerce – Should 17 year olds be put through the adult legal system? Queenslanders who are 17 years old are put through to the adult criminal justice system even though they cannot vote or legally buy alcohol or tobacco products. Society’s view of young people has also changed and this is reflected in our laws. Now the age of adulthood is 18 years. By the age of 18 we are considered to be old enough to have all the legal rights and responsibilities an adult has. This is known as a person’s legal capacity. 18 is the age in which the law recognises you as an adult. For example, if a defendant is over 18 years old the case is heard in the adult court but if the defendant is under 18 years old, the case is heard in the Children’s Court. However, in Queensland, 17 year olds are tried as adults. Why is this happening? Should this law be changed or stay the same? (#1- Youth Advocacy Centre, 2016) (#2 Kleeman, Adman, Hamper et al, 2013) …show more content…

One reason for trying juveniles as adults is to show them that no matter what the age of the accused, the crime was still committed. Juveniles treated as adults show these 17 year olds that crime is crime. It should be punished. It makes crimes equal and allows for more justice. Trying juveniles as adults helps deter the crime rate by making more severe punishments available to juvenile delinquents. Harsher punishments are more effective in stopping crime as they can stop them from committing more violent crimes due to the fear of the punishment. This is why 17 year olds should be put through the adult legal