Should Abstinence-Only Or Comprehensive Sex Education Be Taught In Public Schools?

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In today’s society we acknowledge and see teen pregnancy as “common”. We as individuals and as a community tend to not blink an eye, or look the other way, due to what we see in within society. What we see in our society has to do with a lack of knowledge in our education system, resulting in teen pregnancies worldwide. That being said, should we still rely on schools for sexual education? People today still debate on “whether abstinence-only vs comprehensive sex education should be taught in public schools” (Stanger-Hall, K., Hall, D., & Vitzthum, V. (2011). Choosing to oversee the entire social issue, has me believe that things need to change in order for a greater improvement within our country, rather than one that continues to improve …show more content…

According to the article of ‘Teen Pregnancy Prevention’ our current president, Trump has an administration known as the ‘The Trump Administration’ in which he chose to cut $216 million dollars for a program known as the ‘Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Program’ (Teen Pregnancy Prevention. (2017). ‘The Teen Pregnancy Prevention’ program has many good values within that we should feel the need to fight to keep. The overall program has our best intentions in mind, and for the safety of others. The program overall focuses its time and effort on testing innovative approaches, and looking more into why the rates are staying so high (Kelsey, & Layzer. (2014). Overall, their best intention is to decrease the rates that have become so high, but at a faster rate than it currently is. However, with Trump making a cut in their funding, it affects more than 80 different institutions around the country that are researching ways on how to make our education system and programs stronger. With lack of funding, we will continue to have the same programs implemented as of now, and keep seeing the same …show more content…

Personally, I believe their needs to be change, “Society doesn’t seem to understand that the rate is rising because of sex education programs that teach the how-tos of sexual activity” Hansard, P. (1998). In order for our country to turn in a stronger direction, we need better guidelines. Also, we need to keep the programs that are here to help us improve. Example being, we should take money out of a smaller social issue, in a way of increasing our funds for a much larger social issue such as this one. We as a country know that the United States has many societal issues due to teen pregnancy (Yampolskaya, S., Brown, E. C., & Vargo, A. C. (2004). That being said, if our country is aware that teens will risk trying the sexual practices, we should feel the need to follow different countries footsteps in order to have a more substantial change in our system overall. Our numbers overall are decreasing at a steady rate, but one thing that we could implement could overall make our countries rates plummet, which in the end would be an amazing thing for our