Should Brutus Stay Loyal To His Friend?

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Should Brutus stay Loyal to his Friend? Should Brutus choose his dearest friend or Rome and the Republic? Brutus is given a difficult task in Scene II of Julius Caesar, he must choose to either save his friend or save the Republic and the dumb people of Rome. There is lots of evidence on why Brutus needs to kill Caesar. Brutus gives some reasoning on why he should kill him too, he stated that if Caesar becomes king then the Republic and Rome will be destroyed. Some might say that he should not join the conspiracy because that is his friend but sometimes you have to make sacrifices for others and Brutus has to pick his friend or everyone of Rome. Brutus uses logos and states that they need to kill him “in the shell.” Brutus says this because …show more content…

Caesar is trying to manipulate the people of Rome. Caesar declines the crown 3 times in Act I, and is making it look like he is this genuinely good guy, but the people of Rome are to dumb to know good from bad so they all believe he will be a great leader, but Caesar in reality is going to destroy the republic and destroy Rome if he becomes king. Brutus now has this difficult task of picking between his dearest friend or the Republic. If someone is going to kill Caesar it needs to be Brutus because Caesar will never see it coming. Caesar thinks that Brutus is loyal to Caesar and also thinks that Brutus is just going to bow down to Caesar when and if he becomes king. Caesar will not see it coming if Brutus is the one to kill Caesar because even though Caesar and Brutus are good friends, Brutus knows the bad things that could happen if Caesar is the king. Brutus needs to be the one to kill …show more content…

Brutus wants what is good for the people and is very selfless. Brutus has to pick his friend or the people of Rome, but he should pick Rome because Brutus cares for the people so much. He wants the best for the people of Rome, and would kill Caesar if that meant a better life for the people of Rome. Brutus is always looking out for the people of Rome and they are to dumb to know that Caesar is bad and will not be a good leader. It is believed that Brutus would rather kill Caesar and make a better life for the people of Rome rather than keep Caesar and Caesar end up being king and destroying the Republic and