Should Cheerleading Be Considered A Sport

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I think that cheerleading should be considered a sport. One reason that I believe that it should be considered a sport is, cheerleading requires the same amount of physical activity and athletic ability of other sports. David Bare, a physical education teacher in Georgia would not agree with that. According to David, fans don’t go to sporting events to watch the cheerleaders they go to support their local teams. Katie Shutz a twelve year old girl says, she has cheer practice everyday along with soccer practice a couple times a week. She feels like she is getting the same amount of physical activity when she is practicing the both. Proving that cheerleading isn’t an easy thing. Deanna Harvey a highschool student says she practice five days a …show more content…

Competitive cheerleading is competing against other teams. According to the AACCA, in order for competitive cheerleading to be a true sport you have to compete in as many sporting events cheered for. Most schools get in very few competitions and a lot of sporting events. Having this be a prime example for competitive cheerleading not a sport. Although there is many reasons why competitive cheerleading could be a sport. One of the main reasons is there is rules and guidelines needed to follow in order to not get disqualified. The American Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Administration claims, there are rules needed to follow in order to win. Your performance can’t be longer than three minutes and 15 seconds, and there is boundaries needed to stay in. The AACCA also says you are rewarded with points to declare the winner just like any sport. Points are given based off the difficulty and execution of your stunts. Just like any other sport you need to work as a team in order to be the best. Dan Popolski a contributor to Bleacher Report compares gymnastics to competitive cheerleading. He says cheerleaders take gymnastics to improve their skills. Getting to the point that, gymnastics are helping them for their competitions to be the …show more content…

Ashlee Buczek was cheering on a cold fall night. She was the one always thrown into the air, and that night her teammates didn’t catch her on her way down and landed headfirst onto the track. She had a broken skull, which healed overtime, but she lost her sense of smell and ability to hear out of her right ear. Another accident happened to a 13 year old girl named Chelsea Barrete. She was practicing a trick, where she was the person being thrown into the air. She was thrown 15 feet into the air and her teammates didn’t catch her. She landed on her head and fractured her skull. She also had bleeding in her brain resulting in memory loss. Somedays she doesn’t even remember her parents. These two girls both will never be able to cheer again, due to the major risk