Should Children Be Tried As Adults Essay

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Why Children Shouldn’t be Tried as Adults
As of June 25, 2012, the Supreme Court ruled that juveniles who have committed murder could not be sentenced to life in prison. Their reasoning for this, was that it violated the eighth amendment’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment. It is in good reason that this was made law, because never has a child's brain been equal to that of an adult's, the circumstances surrounding most of the cases sent to the courts are appalling, and the statistics of the finances to house inmates and that backup rehabilitation of the youths within the prison lead me to question the sanity of anyone who believes otherwise.
The overwhelming majority of those living in society believe children to be intellectually underdeveloped …show more content…

Statistically speaking 25% of all children within the United States have been exposed to violence within their home life. To these children this is what is the daily norm of how life is supposed to be. In a case such as this, the saying of you're a product of your environment, heavily comes into play. Consider the psychological effects of such a life. The children who live a life where they are witnesses to such atrocities have more problems than are evident to the common eye. They have a difficult time creating goals or desires, and majority have the assumption that their lives will hold nothing but a dark future. These children's characters are still in formation “They are less mature, more vulnerable to peer pressure , cannot escape from dangerous environments, and their characters are still in formation,” said Gail Garinger in the essay “Juveniles Don’t Deserve Life Sentences”. (2012) After committing a crime if these Juveniles so easily succumbed to other outside influences, it should be just as easy to influence the to make good choices with the right