
Should Contraceptives Be Allowed To Obtain Birth Control

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Contraceptives hold great importance in this day and age because they aid in the prevention of unwanted pregnancy. One of the hardest choices that a great deal of youngsters face is whether to engage in sexual relations/intercourse or not. If individuals do choose to participate in sexual inercourse, it implies that they should also take on the liability to shield themselves from impromptu pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Many forms of contraceptives are out on the market today, and it should be necessary for teens to be able to access birth control without parental permission as it helps prevent unwanted pregnancy, and aid in regulating menstrual cycle, as well as accommodate people who are sexually assaulted.

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Teens can be a casualty of unwanted pregnancy, if they partake in sexual intercourse, without any source of protection. This can result in impacting social, financial, and moralistic parts of daily life. Contraceptives serve many advantages to females such as assisting in regulating month to month menstrual cycle, preventing unwanted pregnancy, and alleviating the side effects and painful symptoms of the menstrual cycle. Furthermore, taking an emergency contraceptive is the ideal solution if a teen under the age of 18 is sexually exploited/raped. This can eliminate the consequences that follow after this misdemeanor, as the EC is a great way to eradicate the possibility of pregnancy subsequent to non-consensual sex. For this reason, females under the age of 18 should have access to birth control without requiring parental consent. Had malala asked permission from her parents to stand up for what she believed to be virtuous, her countless milestones regarding a girl 's right to education, would have never been achieved. Hence, asking someone who the situation does not impact directly does not always result in a healthy

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