Supreme Court Case Of Roe V. Wade

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During Roe v. Wade (1973), the Supreme Court held that a pregnant woman has the fundamental right to privacy in the cases of abortion. This case recognized that the constitutional right to privacy extends a woman’s right to make her own personal medical decisions, including the decision to have an abortion without interference from politicians. Furthermore, it affirms the legality of a woman’s right to have an abortion under the 14th amendment to the constitution. The U.S. Supreme Court Case of Roe vs. Wade has made abortion legal in America. The ruling was that babies are not legal “persons”; from that point on, they have had no rights or protection under Constitution. A woman should have a right to make decisions that involve her own body. …show more content…

Everyone has the right to make decisions about their own health, body, sexuality and reproductive life, without fear, violence or discrimination. However all over the world, people 's freedom to make these decisions are controlled by the state, medical professionals, even their own families. Criminal laws or illegal actions are frequently used to control such choices. In the end, many people are prevented from making any choice at all. Every woman has the right to make any decision that involves her body. The government has always respected the individual 's right to privacy. A woman 's reproductive system should not be regulated by the government. No one gets to seize control of a woman 's body and her life in general for nine months, without her having been convicted of a crime, and even in prison today women have absolute reproductive freedom under the law: The government may not sterilize female prisoners or force them to become pregnant, nor may it either force nor prohibit an abortion. This is protected under the rights of the fourth amendment. Women’s reproductive rights lie at the heart of their basic human rights. The UN and governments must adopt and enforce laws and policies that allow all women to control their fertility, their health and their lives.International human-rights norms recognize that reproductive rights violations often stem from, as well as reinforce, discrimination, poverty and violence. International human-rights treaties make clear that …show more content…

With the newly elected president, Donald J. Trump, the future of abortion is unpredictable. He is known to be against abortion (Pro-Life) and has said he “hates the idea of abortion”. Vice president, Mike Pence, said that Trump would appoint Supreme Court justices like the late Justice Antonin Scalia and the court would likely overturn the abortion law case, Roe v. Wade, if elected. Furthermore, Trump has also gone to say, “The primary responsibility of the federal government is to protect the rights of its citizens. Life is the most fundamental right. The federal government should not diminish this right by denying its’ protection. I am opposed to abortion except for rape, incest and life of the mother. I oppose the use of government funds to pay for abortions.” However, despite Trump’s view on abortion now , he was previously known to be pro-choice. Trump supported abortion rights in 1999, according to a 2011 article in National Journal. During the time he said, "I hate the concept of abortion, but I am strongly pro-choice." He also expressed a desire to see "the abortion issue removed from politics" because "it is a personal decision that should be left to the women and their doctors." Trump noted that President Ronald Reagan also was “pro-choice” on abortion at one time, but changed his mind and became a strong