
The Pros And Cons Of Becoming President Of The United States

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Every four years Americans choose a President for the United States, it is difficult to decide a President when there are so many candidates to choose from. The candidates voice their opinions expressing what they feel is right for America and the American population. Americans vote for who they believe is the greatest fit to be decided the leader of America. Many people feel like Donald Trump should be president. Trump has great ideas and he wants to do so much for the people of America. Trump wants to change the laws about abortion also, not ban guns but change the requirements of gun control, and he wants to keep immigration out of the U.S. This being said, many americans agree with Donald Trump on these three reasons and believe this is why he should become President of the United States of America. …show more content…

Abortion is taking a baby's life away when they have not even seen life yet. When it comes down to a life or death situation that is understandable, but if someone knows they can not take care of a child why have one? When referring to abortion Trump states “I am now pro-life; after years of being pro-choice” (Apr, 2011). He also states that he would like to “ban late abortions; with exceptions for rape, incest or for health ” (Apr, 2011).Trump clarified his views on abortion saying he favors abortion rights, but respects those who oppose his position. Trump goes on to further his opinion when he states “I believe it is a personal decision that should be left to the women and their doctors,” (Trump, 1999) many women would agree with him on this. When the decision is actually left up to the women, and what they would like to do with the life they are carrying. The men only play a small role such as taking care of the child and being a

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