Donald Trump Persuasive Essay

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Safety is a top priority for the United States government. Throughout U.S. history we have seen many examples of terrorist activities which could have easily been avoided with the proper precautions and safety. The 9/11 terrorist attack was a drastic event which shook America as well as other countries, it truly showed the lack of national security the United States poses. The harsh realization is America was unprepared for the terrorist attack as they believed they could not be a victim terrorist activity but the fact of having that mentality is which caused the event it could have prevented with more security. Donald Trump’s recent policies are moving America forwards towards a safer place with extensive security measures being taken. Although many citizens criticize Donald Trump for his open mindedness I believe that's what makes him different and overall a good President because he's protecting the citizens of the United States which is America's top priority. …show more content…

Trump took the proper predations and passed this law in order to make the United States a safer place. The government hopes to achieve a safer America where no harm can be caused to its citizens. The government plans to enforce this by taking multiple steps towards making America safer for example by making it more difficult to enter the U.S. visa or green card. For example anyone arriving from seven Muslim-majority countries Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen faces a 90-day visa