Hillary Clinton Trump Persuasive Essay

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Donald Trump has a higher following than his presidential race counterpart Hillary Clinton among the white evangelicals, according to a new CBS poll.

About 62 percent of the white evangelicals are supporting Trump, while only 17 percent favor Clinton, which gives Trump an edge by a wide margin of 3 to 1 over his competitor among this group.

White men were more likely to support Trump (51 percent) than Clinton (31 percent), and white women preferred Clinton (43 percent) over Trump (35 percent).

As many as 73 percent of Republicans supported Trump, as against Clinton (6 percent). More Democrats favored Clinton (81 percent) than Trump (6 percent).

About 51 percent of those surveyed expected Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 presidential election, …show more content…

But only about 29 percent of the voters in each camp said they strongly support their candidates, and some 22 percent said that they chose their presidential hopefuls for dislike of the other party or candidate.

As many as 82 percent men and 76 percent women, including Republicans, Democrats, and independents, are ready to elect a woman for president, which amounts to double the number of people who wanted to vote for a woman president some twenty years ago.

A recent Bloomberg national poll showed a 12-point gap between Clinton and Trump, with 49 percent of Americans favoring Clinton over Trump (37 percent).

"Clinton has a number of advantages in this poll, in addition to her lead," said pollster J. Ann Selzer, who oversaw the survey. "Her supporters are more enthusiastic than Trump 's and more voters overall see her becoming a more appealing candidate than say that for Trump."

About 900 evangelicals are scheduled to meet Trump behind the doors on June 21st, to understand what Trump has to offer in terms of jobs and economy, defense, Supreme Court justices, religious liberty, and "life and the culture of life," according to Religion News