Compare And Contrast The Articles Of Confederation

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The Articles of Confederation (A.O.C) are said to be a good representation of the original platform of Republicanism, and Trump has derived his platform from the Republican party beliefs. The opinions stated in the A.O.C and by Trump align with each other in a multitude of ways. Though they are both connected to the same party, they have many contrasting points as well, due to the modernization of the party platforms. The Articles of Confederation was written by the continental congress. Drafting began in July of 1776, it was sent for ratification in November of 1777, and it came into force in March of 1781. The A.O.C was an agreement between all 13 of the original states of the United states, and it served as its first constitution. The …show more content…

Trump is a member of the Republican party, and is now the new president as of January 2017. He was elected president with a win from the electoral college, but not the popular vote. Some say that Trump has questionable beliefs and plans for the country, which is why there is some debate to the fact of whether or not he exhibits the true beliefs of the Republican party, as John McCain and John Kasich do. His widely known campaign slogan of, “Make America Great Again!”, is seen almost everywhere on shirts and hats, even on Trump’s own head. This is said to be the first campaign slogan that openly shows the belief of America being in decline. With the use of the word “again”, it is suggested that Trump deems America as not “great” right …show more content…

In article 2 of the A.O.C, the thirteen colonies agree upon the fact that, “Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled.”. In layman's terms the A.O.C is stating that the 13 sovereign states retain all of their rights, powers, etc. The only powers that go to the central government are the ones that the 13 colonies have agreed should be delegated to congress. This was supposed to keep everyone happy, so that all of the states had more rights and powers than ever, and the government had very small number of responsibilities. Part of the oath taken when sworn into the office of presidency is to “...preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”. Therefore, part of Trump’s platform must be the Constitution. In the 10th Amendment of the Constitution, it is written, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”. This means the same thing that Article 2 of the A.O.C does. All powers that are not expressly delegated to the central government, are the responsibility of the states. Donald Trump is also a known supporter of