Should Dress Codes Be Allowed In Schools

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Today's society has been sexualizing women for not only their clothing but, their sizes of their bodies and the clothing they put on themselves. Why is okay for the women to be treated like this but when men wear similar things it’s acceptable? Schools need to make their dress codes more flexible, meaning they need to make all rules apply to every student. “Maybe instead of teaching girls they should cover themselves up we should be teaching boys that we’re not just sex objects that you can look at and derive pleasure”.“Somehow my shoulders are sexualized” (Finlayson). Public schools are sexualizing their female students because their clothing is not “appropriate” when boys can walk around wearing whatever they feel. Girls are shamed around the U.S just because we have different body parts, but somehow what we choose to wear is “inappropriate.” Public schools have this rule in the dress code where students are not allowed to wear tank tops or a cut off shirt as a female, but males are able to walk around school wearing bro tanks and cut offs but receive no punishment while females do. All rules should apply to every student whether they’re a male or female. “We can't even wear flip flops, and girls will be given detentions and sent home for breaking that …show more content…

School dress codes need to be more flexible for these reasons. Not all human beings are built the same way and there's going to be someone who gets disciplined for that when another student right next to her could be wearing the exact same thing. Not only are school dress codes shaming women and their bodies but they are also letting male students wear what they want to when the women cannot do that. Maybe instead of just focusing on the way that women dress at school, they should focus on both