
Should Electoral College Be Abolished Essay

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How is it fair that in the 2000 election George W. Bush was elected president even though Al Gore won the popular vote. The reason why Al Gore didn’t win the election is because of the Electoral College. The Electoral College is the process of electing a president where representatives from each state vote for a president. Each state has a specific number of representatives based on their population, for example North Carolina has 15. Therefore, should the electoral college be abolished or changed? The Electoral College should be abolished because of the occasions where presidents have won without popular vote, the number of electoral votes each state gets, today people are more educated and their vote should be counted one person, one vote. There have been four occasions where the president elected did not win the majority vote because of the Electoral College. One of the four elections was in 1824 when John Quincy Adams was elected president even though he did not receive the majority vote. He received 84 electoral votes, Henry Clay received 37, Andrew Jackson received 99 and William Crawford received 41. None of the four candidates received 51% if electoral college so the vote went to the House of Representatives. That was when they chose John Quincy …show more content…

Every state has a different population per electoral based on the state’s population. For example Wyoming’s population is 563,626 and every 187,875 is another electoral vote, therefore they have 3 electoral votes. While California’s population is 37,253,956 and every 677,345 is another electoral vote, which means that California has 55 electoral votes (Document #2). This is unfair because Wyoming gets more votes from every 187,875 people while California receives a vote from every 677,345. Therefore the Electoral College favors smaller states rather than bigger and more populated

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