Should Guns Be Allowed In Schools Essay

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Should guns be allowed in the United States? With the increase in school shootings this year many have questioned if guns should be able to be acquired by any U.S civilian. The second amendment which is “The Rights to Bear Arms” was published on December 15, 1791. This amendment allows any U.S citizen who meets the requirements to own a gun to be able to possess any firearm or gun. The Gun Control Act of 1968 disables any person who is under 18, a convicted criminal, someone mentally disabled, or one who was dishonorably discharged (Masters). After All, why should a senior in high school be able to possess a gun? What if that male or female was bullied and decided to shoot up the school the next day. The second amendment may seem to be sufficient but it’s not even close to enough.. In the United States of America, there are 88.8 guns per one hundred people which equal out to 270,000,000 guns in the U.S(Gun). These 270,000,000 guns caused at least 464,032 deaths by gun in the years between 1999 and 2013(Gun). A survey found that at least 989,883 times a year someone has used a gun as self-defense(Gun Control). Increasing more restrictions or changes on who can own a gun would be …show more content…

America is one of the few countries who allow their citizens to own guns. But the citizens are abusing this power with the U.S taking up only 5 percent of the world’s population but has taken up around 35 to 50 percent of the world’s gun population (Masters). Many of these citizens say they own one or more guns. A survey found that in America 22 percent of citizens own one or more guns(Gun). A survey in 1982 found that 34 percent of criminals had experience with a gun before(Gun Control). That same survey found that 69 percent of criminals knew someone who had experience with a gun(Gun