Should Guns Be Allowed To Be Banned

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Misinformation; it is spread day by day when one person talks to another. A slight error in telling facts might end up with another person having a completely different stance in a situation or issue. Stories traveling from people to people end up like a game of telephone, where the final person to hear information might be told something completely different than the initial person telling the story stated. With the invention of the internet, the thoughts of people are able to travel quicker than ever. People are able to find other people with similar viewpoints on politics, religion, and ideology more easily than ever. Guns represent one of the most divided topics in the United States, with the country seemingly divided on whether they should be banned or allowed to be owned. Misinformation causes controversy on gun laws and the decisions regarding policy. The laws surrounding guns are rather complex and this results in many citizens being confused on the guns civilians can own, and the process involved in obtaining a gun. Just the other day, I was watching a YouTube video by Steven Crowder titled “I’m Pro-gun | Change my Mind,” where …show more content…

The truth of the manner is much more crime is committed through the use of pistols and revolvers than is committed with rifles. There are estimates stating that pistols and revolvers are the types of guns used in approximately seventy-five to ninety percent of crime. The problem is that pistols and revolvers are also the most easily concealable weapons for law-abiding citizens to have on themselves. Furthermore, law abiding gun owners make up less than twenty percent of the crime committed, with the rest of the crime happening with people who do not own the