Should Immigrants Be Deported

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Immigrants are what makes up this great nation that is called the United States of America. Immigrants are why this nation is alive today this country's economy relies much on immigrant illegal or legal all immigrants helped shape the economy that is known today. Another reason is they take the jobs that no other American would ever think of doing. Immigrants can have many positive and also negative effects on the U.S. Recently many immigrants have been migrating to the U.S. but it is not who many would think it would be. This time it is the Muslims that are escaping to come over to the U.S. The muslim nation makes up the top 10 of all the nation that have legal immigrants, and they also have the most legal immigrants of all the other immigrants …show more content…

Deportation isn't always the way to go. On the website CNN it stated that deportation can cost more than to just keep the immigrant here and have them give an income to the U.S. (CNN,2014). Another great reason that immigrants are not deported is because they are about 15 percent of the population that makes up the total average income of $5,042,277,015,987 as stated on the epi website, (Epi,2014) and if every person is taxed that is a lot of tax on income that goes to state and federal tax even if you are illegal in the country you still pay tax which really helps the economy grow .Also because the people are not technically a citizen the U.S. does not have to claim them therefore the tax breaks are more efficient for the U.S. because they get more money out of the deal but it is not always a good negative sometimes we have to deport them. Some reasons for that is that the immigrants are too criminally active or they just don't follow the laws of the …show more content…

economy. The jobs aspect of the economy is a big positive because immigrants take all jobs and especially the jobs that Americans are not willing to do. Also when an immigrant is challenged by an American for the same job either the American or the immigrant stands to make about twenty - five dollars more a week than before they were challenged for the job opening (migration policy,2014). Next businesses in the U.S. can strive more due to the lower wages so then the production cost will be less therefore they will be able to produce more for the same price they were paying for a half of what is now being produced. Next not only will businesses strive but the economy will strive due to businesses doing well because the income that those businesses receive come back to the government and that income goes towards our budget or yearly budget that allows states to purchase items for school such as textbooks so kids can have a better education. Also not just the education aspect will benefit but so will state businesses such as hospitals will revive money so that they can get more advanced equipment. Another way that this tax that we receive from that striving business is that we use it for the roads that people use daily and bridges and all sorts of everyday things that are being used