Should Minimum Wage Be Increased Essay

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Raising minimum wage should no longer be pondered, but rather implemented immediately. The idea of the minimum waged being raised to $15/hour has caught the hopeful eye of millions of people across the nation. By minimum wage being raised, benefits from raising the standard of living for people to the economy being boosted will affect Americans positively. Minimum wage jobs are not just for the youth, as some believe. This measly rate as it stands currently, has to provide for entire families in some cases, not just teens who are earning extra funds. Most people earning minimum wage are 20 or older and must support themselves and dependents (US Department of Labor Website). By increasing people’s income, their standard of living also is increased. This actually helps the economy as well, as people will find themselves less reliant on the government for financial help as they can support themselves and their dependents. …show more content…

Rather, with an increase, the government may benefit, as people want to spend their new ‘excess’ income. Also, small business owners do not seem to be fearful for the increase of minimum wage, as he majority believe people with lower incomes have a higher marginal propensity to consume. It is nonsensical to believe that this raise will hurt the economy, since the minimum wage has been increased numerous times since it was created as a part of the New Deal. Overall, raising the minimum wage is a necessity to the vitality of the American people who are struggling to support themselves and family. It also has numerous benefits as helping boost the economy. There is a great amount of support coming from across the country to increase the minimum wage. There seems to be no reason not to raise the wage, and only positive aspects are to