
Should Mr. Mattarella Use Fear To Control The Mafia?

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Italy has been struggling with the Mafia since 1861. Furthermore, ever since then, there have been problems with corruption, murder, and drug smuggling. Fast-forward to the present day, the president of Italy, Sergio Mattarella, is an anti-Mafia politician because the Mafia murdered his brother. Mr. Mattarella’s approach to enforcing submission and weakening the Mafia is through pacifism instead of more militaristic action. Militaristic action would be the most assertive approach in subduing the Mafia because this would instill fear within the Mafia. Mr. Mattarella, at the same time, would have to sift out the corrupt businesses and politicians while making these findings known. If Mr. Mattarella uses fear, acting like a lion and fox, just …show more content…

Mattarella needs to use fear to control the Mafia because this will threaten everyone inside and outside (helping through corruption) of the Mafia. In reading the Prince by Machiavelli, it is better to control through fear than love. For example, Machiavelli states, “Nevertheless a prince ought to inspire fear in such a way that, if he does not win love, he avoids hatred (The Prince, 1532 C.E., Chapter 17).” In saying this, Machiavelli states that it is essential to use fear first and that it is nice to have love with fear, but if there is no love, that is okay. You do not want to use cruelty or create hatred. Mr. Mattarella needs to use what Machiavelli is writing about in the Prince because the fear will mobilize people and lead them to combat the people working with the Mafia and the Mafia itself. Fear also gives people firm boundaries that provide them with security and stability. Instead, Mr. Mattarelli claims he is anti-Mafia, but he has almost done nothing for this cause. Mr. Mattarella has only told his brother's story while claiming he is anti-Mafia. However, Mr. Mattarelli has done nothing to support his claim. If Mr. Mattarella could use Machiavelli’s advice about leveraging fear, the problem of corruption and crime in Italy would …show more content…

He writes, “A prince, therefore, being compelled knowingly to adopt the beast, ought to choose the fox and the lion; because the lion cannot defend himself against snares and the fox cannot defend himself against wolves (The Prince, 1532 C.E., Chapter 18).” With this statement, Machiavelli is saying that it is vital to have both the trait of a lion and a fox to protect oneself from all types of problems that could arise. However, according to Machiavelli, a leader does not have to contain these values, but only appears to have them. Machiavelli writes, “But it is necessary to know well how to disguise; this characteristic, and to be a great pretender and dissembler (The Prince, 1532 C.E., Chapter 18).” Machiavelli is encouraging leaders that people are simple and trust what they want to believe. So it is essential to have people presume that you contain both traits. Unfortunately, Mr. Mattarella does not contain both values mentioned above in the face of the people. For example, a newspaper article states, “He is introverted and austere, rarely making public appearances or speaking on television (Enemy of the Mafia and champion of the Law, 1/31/2015, Financial Times).” As the newspaper article states, the people know that their leader is not a lion in the sense that Machiavelli presents this leadership trait. With this lack of courage, how

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