
Should Post Secondary Education Be Free Essay

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Post Secondary Education Should Be Free For Everyone
Have you ever known that one person who doesn’t want to go to school? We all have at least met one person who doesn’t want to go to College because it is “too expensive”. Post secondary education should be free because some students can’t afford it, not all students have good grades, and feel pressured into going to college.
So here is the fact, College is not cheap. College is thousands on top of thousands of dollars. Some kids who learn about how much they need to save up for college, they back out because they don’t want to save up only a small amount and have student loan debt for the rest of their life. Some college students drop out because they are in so deep with student loan debt. No one wants to be in debt, it’s stressful wondering how much they will take out of your …show more content…

Some kids can’t break a C+ and they try their absolute best in all of their classes. On the other hand some kids don’t even try and the get straight A’s. Most kids give up on trying to get good grades because they know one bad grad can ruin chances for scholarships and possible free rides.
In highschool, colleges from all over the state from where you live in visit your school, to talk to you about how great their college is. They are always saying that college is right around the corner and we all need to start to make our decisions right now. For most students, that’s a lot of pressure. Just think of it, a highschool student stressed out about three essays and homework assignments from all her classes and a college comes to her school, and says that everyone needs to think about what college they're going to before it’s too late. That’s quite a bit of pressure and stress.
In conclusion, post secondary education should be free because some students can’t afford it, not all students have good grades, and feel pressured into going to

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