Should The Government Contribute To The Destruction Of Our Society

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Is it good for society to know everything that is really happening in the world? Have you ever heard about the government hiding information from the public? As a society we always seek knowledge, we think that we know everything thanks to the “free internet”, and to our gigantic libraries full of books or even television documentaries. Although citizens have the right to know everything about their country, the government should not have full transparency by revealing all their information. I believe this would lead to chaos and society’s own destruction. The government (specially the american one, which was created for the people and by the people) should give access to information to the public, in order that the people know what is really …show more content…

If the government would give out all the information to the public, then a lot of people wouldn’t know how to handle the given knowledge, would start rebelling against the authorities, would not respect the laws anymore and society would stop functioning. The only thing government’s information would bring to society is stress and chaos. For example: If the end of the world was coming next year, and the government knew it, he would not tell it to anyone due to how people would react by trying to survive and not following the laws. Then this would lead to the destruction of our society. If the government knew about the end of the world, they would try to save themselves first, because they are also humans and have survival instincts. “If you have ignorant citizens, you’re gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders”- George Carlin. In reality it doesn’t have to be the end of the world, it could be a war or just a new discovery. In the book Frankenstein, Mary Shelley shows how society can’t handle abnormality by creating a creature from death to life. Every person that saw the creature reacted by escaping, screaming, and cursing. This demonstrates my point: if the government told us everything that they discovered or created, we, as a society, would react the wrong way and doubt reality, like the people that saw the creature in Frankenstein. Like Shelley wrote: “Nothing is so painful to the …show more content…

If the government chooses to give access to national information, then other nations will gain access to important military information that will be used to harm the “transparent nation”. During the war, countries try to find as much militar information as possible, especially nowadays that some governments have sufficient technology to hack into another nation’s military information (nuclear codes, war strategies, capabilities of weapons). Our government needs as much secrecy as possible as it is well written in an article from United States News (USN), called Why classified secrets should be kept from the public, by staff writer, Alex Kingsbury, 2010: “We've been involved in a war where secrecy is one of the most critical tools of national defense.” In the story The Flying Machine, by Ray Bradbury, Emperor Yuan saw a flying machine. This flying machine could revolutionize his empire. It could make the Chinese Empire advance like no other empire. He didn’t look at it that way: he thought of how much of a danger the Flying machine could cause. The Flying machine could damage his “national security”. This machine could help other nations to fly over the wall of China to invade his empire. So the Emperor kept this invention secret. As a society, we must understand that our government’s secrecy is not only from us but from other nations too. There is a reason for it, and that is national security. While