Should They Be Tested To See Which Gender Is More Superstitious?

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Autumn Kaye Harris
Benton High School

Men and women will both be tested to see which gender is more superstitious. Religion will also be questioned to see if it correlates with the origin of superstition. A lot of superstitions come from religion.The hypothesis that will be tested is that if a man or woman believes in a superior being such as God, then they will believe in superstition. The hypothesis being tested could possibly be applicable to historians. Example: If majority of people who are superstitious are catholic, then historians could track that back to catholic beliefs and who actually thought of these superstitions and why they did. The more in-depth hypothesis being tested is that if a group of catholic women and a group of catholic men are questioned on their belief of superstitions, then the men are going to be more superstitious than the women because men are more gullible than women. Opinion on men are based off of personal experience. Participants will complete a questionnaire, physical copy and digital copy, that young adults, adults, and elders will fill out. The questions include age, gender, ethnicity, are you superstitious or not, what superstitions you believe in, etc. The goal of amount of people is 600. The ages will be grouped such as: 18-28, 29-39, 40-50, and 60 plus. That is 150 persons per age group. Students at Benton High School, at family members jobs, and at various nursing homes in …show more content…

Superstition is a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation (Superstition). Some believe that if a black cat crosses your path, it will bring bad luck. This superstition could be traced back to the Salem Witch Trials in 1692. People that lived in Salem Village in Massachusetts suspected that if a woman owned a black cat, then that they were a witch and then they would burn them alive at the stake or hang them.(