Hal Marston Community Center Interview Questions

869 Words4 Pages

Donghwan Kim
PID: 3720131

I interviewed Mr. William. He is a social worker, and serves at Hal Marston Community Center. Thankfully, I could gain much information about social work and the operation of this community center through the interview.

1. What is the philosophy of the agency?
Mr. William stated that the philosophy of Hal Marston Community Center is that they carry out their missions such as community assessments of needs, broad anti-poverty plans and strategies, financial assistance, and providing non-financial resources. In addition, they can protect the rights and authorities of low-income people.

2. What are the goals of the agency?
Mr. William said that the goals of Hal Marston Community Center are to reduce poverty …show more content…

What is the population served by the agency?
Hal Marston Community Center has a preschool that serves children ages 3~4, and it has a capacity of 130 children, and this center invites 20~30 seniors daily when performing the Seniors First Program.

4. What are the criteria for using services? The criteria for using services are that individuals should be a resident of Orange County and their incomes are too low to support themselves and their families. The program at Hal Marston Community Center is designed to assist low-income Orange County residents to gain economic independence.

5. How many clients are served daily, weekly, or monthly?
Mr. William stated that this community center serve 50~100 daily, but he said that it depends on the event of the community …show more content…

What educational events are available to the participants? Employment Services and Job Training is offered in Orange County.

11. How can UCF College of Nursing students be of greatest use to the agency?
UCF students assisted physically limited seniors, and played bingo game with seniors and talked with them and danced with seniors. Furthermore, they checked seniors’ blood pressure and lung sounds.

Mr. William is a social worker at Hal Marston Community Center. Hal Marston Community Center is a public organization that was created by the federal government in 1964 to reduce poverty. This community center promotes the participation of the entire community in the elimination of poverty. Mr. William stated that in order to reduce poverty, Hal Marston Community Center assists poor individuals acquire useful skills, knowledge, and new opportunities to achieve economic self-sufficiency. Mr. William indicated that Hal Marston Community Center carries out its mission through a variety of means. These means includes anti-poverty plans and strategies, financial assistance, and providing non-financial resources. In addition, they can protect the rights and authorities of low-income