Should To Kill A Mockingbird Be Read In Schools Essay

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Should To Kill a Mockingbird be read in schools?
The book To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, tells the story of a defense attorney named Atticus Finch, who hopelessly strives to prove the innocence of a black man, unjustly accused of rape. Though this well written novel is fiction, it does a great job at displaying the true ugliness of racism, discrimination, and justice. For years, this novel has caused many to question whether or not this is an appropriate book to read in schools. This book should be read in schools because it does give perspective on the topics listed above. To Kill a Mockingbird is a great story for teens to read in schools because it educates them on race issues, it portrays an important part of american history, and, with it’s use of archetypal characters, it helps students recall such events. …show more content…

One big lesson we can all take away from this story is discrimination. In this book Atticus, plays the role of a defense attorney who is defending a black man accused of raping a white woman. Many people in the town of Maycomb were against a white man standing up for a black man because the defendant is black. Another incident where racism is displayed is when cousin Francis and Scout were talking and Francis says “Grandma said it’s bad enough he lets you all run wild but now he has turned into an “N” lover well never be able to walk the streets of maycomb again” (110). This quote shows racism because Francis accuses Scout of being a “N” lover right along her harsh comment about Scout running “wild.” These are just two examples of racism used in this book. These brief portrayals of racism are an important aspect for teens to look into. Especially with the current issues going on in the news. Racism is still a problem in today’s society. That’s why this book is a good way to talk about race relations in the