Should We Fear Illegal Immigrants

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America is only for Americans! This sentiment has been heard many times especially in this past election cycle. In the south, people often express their discontent with illegal immigrants. In fact, people all over the country debate whether the country should accept “aliens”. This debate over the years has caused several different laws to decrease the flow of illegal immigrants into the country. However, after the rollercoaster of the 2016 elections, people have begun to fear illegal immigrants even more. Though, the question is why do Americans fear these illegal migrates? Firstly, people fear what they are incapable of understanding. It is no doubt that some Americans have a blind spot of illegal immigrants and immigration, which causes fear. However, what exactly are we afraid of? Americans may fear illegal immigrants because they fear the threatening of a traditional American society. The United States of America is a …show more content…

Fears are all the same. They are all portrayals of a bad outcome in the future. Americans fear illegal immigrants because they fear for the future of America. It is not bad to worry about the future. It simply means you care. Nevertheless, illegal immigration should not ignite a fear of change. Traditional Americans wish to change nothing about this country. A country where the jobs belong only to them. A nation where immigrants do not overflow the population. A place where the principles will remain the same. However, change kindles growth. For a caterpillar to become a butterfly, a change must take place. Illegal immigrants should not cause the fear of change. As for America’s origin, it will never change. A tree will always have roots before it has branches. No matter how a person or nation may change, the history stays the same. The issue with illegal immigrants will be a part of the change of nation regardless of how. The secret of change is not the fight the old, but to build the