
Should Women Be In Ministry Research Paper

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I believe that women should be in Ministry not only because there is biblical proof that women should be in ministry but also because I am a woman who has received a calling to ministry. There are countless examples of women God has placed in the bible to help aid the spread of His word and I believe that God made women as a partner for men and not just the helpers or assistance as some people would like to say. There are arguments that have been made throughout time supporting why women should not be allowed into ministry such as women were meant to just help men and that is it, women were created last, and the bible says women shouldn't be in ministry. But I believe the bible and researchers have given strong counter arguments against it. …show more content…

For example in Genesis, when God made Eve she was described as his ‘ezer’- which means much more than helper. Ezer is never used to refer to a subordinate, it is a powerful Allie, rescuer, strong and powerful. It is even used to describe God 16 times throughout the bible (Ward, Dave Video). In Genesis two, both the male and female lived alongside each other in community, in Genesis three that equality is changed because of the fall and males were put up higher than females. We must live into what Christ has done because that is when we begin to know Him. God is working to restore the fall and we need to be an aid in that. When we understand that we were created male and female to have respect for each other, then we live in a different type of community. The community God wants use to reflect for those who do not know …show more content…

I recently was present at a lecture on gender in my theology class and the women who was speaking (Sandy) said “As a female I bear the image of God, so part of God’s image is feminine. If we ignore the feminine qualities of God, we ignore God.” And that is exactly what I would tell someone who opposed me being in ministry. When we ignore the fact that God wanted women to be leaders as well we distort God’s character. When we forget about the other half, we find things that are not of Him to fill that void such as coming up with reasons as to why women should not be in ministry. And I will also try to remind myself to enter these conversations with an open heart and mind. There are people who like me have not been exposed to anything else, so coming to them with these claims will seem alien to them so I have to have patience and understanding. Although I will face rejection in what I say I have to have a strength in myself when I talk to others, I know I have to face rejection at times but I have to have the strength to still speak truth. Being Wesleyan however helps with that because I am able to surround myself with people who can lift me up and remind me of the truth that I am

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