Rumpelstilskin, is one of the most known fairy tales around the world and through history. Written by the Grimm brothers in 1812, this fairy tale story take place in medieval times, in were there was a miller’s daughter who was brought to the king of the village to spin straw into gold for him, if not she would die. By luck, a little man showed up willing to help her in exchange for things, one of those thing was to give him her first-born. This fairy tale however has been adapted and modernized into today’s society, appearing in movies like Shrek movies. When comparing and contrasting both the Shrek version and the original version, have a number of similarities and differences in important points like the character, the story plot, and the …show more content…
Both version of the Rumpelstiskin character have a similar physical description as both are presented a little man or a dwarf, who also are magical creature and do magic, and are greedy. Also, in both versions the character makes an agreement with the other character. In Shrek’s case Rumpel makes an agreement with Shrek, while in the Grimm’s version, Rumpel makes an agreement with the miller’s daughter. Unfortunately, for both character their endings are likewise “tragic” for them, since in Shrek’s version Rumpel ends up in jail, and in the Grimm’s version Rumpel dies. Although there are some similarities there are also some differences between each characters’ version. In the Grimm’s version, Rumpelstilskin has an obscure reputation, while in Shrek’s version, Rumpel is presented as a well know reputable salesman. Another difference between them, is the way they made their agreements. In Shrek version’s Rumpel and Shrek sign a contract meaning that they had made a physical agreement and it would be hard to change the agreement, unlike the Grimm’s version where the miller’s daughter and Rumpel made a verbal agreement, meaning that facts or details could be changed