Shrestha Research Paper

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In this paper I will describe and analyze my special friendship with Shruchi Shrestha. Shruchi and I first met in the cafeteria during lunch when we were in Iowa. We barely talked to each other then and the meeting had hardly any effect on us to make our presence felt. So let me talk about stage 1 as from Rawlin i.e. role limited interaction. This began when one night I had a break down and I went to the study room with another friend of mine. Shruchi was there writing her essay and she needed some help which I offered during which she was listening carefully with her eyes fixed on me. Then she got my number from our common friend and rang me up for more help and I explained her terminologies she did not understand. We barely spoke to each other after that until a Halloween party at the Dean’s house which moved us to stage 2 i.e. friendly relations. …show more content…

The gestures I could notice that day were smiles, laughs and longer eye contact. Then to stage 3 which is friendly relations, the stage began when one night I and my friends along with Shruchi were watching a horror movie. Shruchi and I were seated next to each other, she was bored and then we decided to take a walk to some haunted buildings and places within the university on that cold chilly night. She held my hands all the time because she was scared and I put her hands in my pocket because to keep it warm. We discovered more about each other that night and after that night we planned several getaways and trips to the town and other places where we would do nothing but

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