Shrimp Body Research Paper

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- Body Structure:
Shrimp body has 19 pieces that includes: five pieces of the head, eight pieces of the chest and six pieces of abdominal segment. Head and chest incorporated together and is covered by integrated structure called carapace that protect lateral and dorsal surface of body and in front as a sharp detail that called rostrum that have teeth in the upper and down edge is identified as a key species. Each body segment has a pair of appendage. Head have a pair of Antennas , a pair Antennules, two pairs of upper jaw (Maxillae), a pair of lower jaw (Mandible) and a pair flatted antenna (Scaphocerite). Three first chest pieces have Maxilliped and five hind pieces have walking peds (Pereiopod). Five pieces of abdominal have swimming legs (Pleopod) and the last piece of sticking with a pair Uropod and Telson which is also a makeup fan tail [37].

- External skeleton:
External Skeleton of shrimp made of cuticle is multi-layered. Between the …show more content…

Food taken by the legs and maxillary goes into the mouth. Rigid pieces out by doing mouth and soft parts are made by the lower jaw send to the stomach into the esophagus. Calcareous parts in the stomach (calcareous teeth), there are mechanical digestion of food are responsible. Thorns are in intestinal entries that does not pass large pieces of food. Covering the stomach wall is chitin, which helps digestion. Hepatopancreas produces enzymes like pancreas that is effective in digestion. Intestinal absorption of food is done in the middle part. Intestinal tract, except the middle part is covered with chitin layer each molting is separated and re-built. In some seasons, in the front wall of the stomach made some calcareous Gostrolith that seems their work is saving calcareous minerals such as calcium carbonate for making hard outer skeleton after each molting

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