Sierra Leone Violation Of Children Essay

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The Destructive, Fullmetal Youth Imagine living a normal life in Sierra Leone with a wonderful child, but one day they go missing. What will you feel inside when you hear that your child has been kidnapped and forced into the military, and has been brainwashed and manipulated to become a human weapon. This is what goes on in Sierra Leone to this day. In Sierra Leone, children are being manipulated and turned into homicidal weapons used for war. The unfair treatment of children in Sierra Leone is violating numerous human rights and changing our perspective of what is morally right or wrong. Children are being forced into the military without their will, which violates their rights as humans. First, children are being brainwashed and exposed to violence, which violates their right to free thought. Second, children are being trafficked by the military and sold to people as sex slaves, which violates their sexual rights. First, children are being put into the military and turned into weapons without their consent. Further, children at very young ages are being put into the military. According to Human Rights Watch’s article, “Child Soldiers,” people as young as eight years old are put into the army. They are also being manipulated and forced into homicidal situations. More or less, this is violating the human right to freedom of thought, in …show more content…

Borgen Project’s article, “10 Facts About Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone,” states, “Children also served as messengers and porters and young girls were conscripted into sexual slavery or forcibly married to generals”(1). This defies the sexual and reproductive rights of children. The military of Sierra Leone is turning young girls into objects and forcing them into sexual situations without their will. This said, the ignorance of sexual and reproductive rights makes people in Sierra Leone see children as sex objects and