Compare And Contrast Stolen Day And A Day's Wait

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Schatz from “A Day’s Wait” vs. the Boy in “Stolen Day” Pessimistic means to always see the worst in things or to always believe the worst will happen. The author of “A Day’s Wait” is Ernest Hemingway. The main character in this story is a boy named Schatz and the story is told from Schatz’s father’s point of view. In the story Schatz has the flu and he thought he was going to die because he misunderstood the temperature measurements of Celcius and Farenheit. The author of the story “Stolen Day” is Sherwood Anderson. The main character is a boy who believes he has inflammatory rheumatism. He tells himself he has this disease because he wants to go fishing instead of going to school. Both of these stories have many similarities and differences. The stories “A Day’s Wait” and “Stolen Day” have many similarities. One similarity is Schatz and the boy from”Stolen Day” both believed they were going to die from a sickness. Schatz believed he was going to die because he overheard his friends talking about the normal body temperature of a human but, in degrees Celsius. Schatz thought he would die because the doctor told Schatz’s father his temperature was 102 degrees Fahrenheit. The boy from “Stolen Day” believed he was going to die because he thought he had inflammatory rheumatism. The boy thought this because his joints occasionally ache when he moved. Another similarity between both stories is they are both set in a setting that is about one hundred years ago. In about the