Similarities Between Christopher Columbus And John Cabot

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All throughout history, humans have documented their experiences to be carried on for later years. They either express it in a journal, tell it through art, or they tell them as stories to live on. All this information helps historians understand life then, and why our world is like it is now. When explorers first came to America, it was something that wasn’t expected. It was something never done before. Their stories show us their feeling while discovering a new world.
In Christopher Columbus’ Extracts from Journal, he tell his story about discovering a new world. In his journal, Columbus, for the most part, wrote his letters everyday. He starts writing it in the year 1492, on Friday August third, and he continues to write until the twenty-first …show more content…

In his letters, Voyage to North America, Cabot talks about his journeys and his discoveries. He begins writing in August twenty-third, 1497 and continues until the eighteenth of december of the same year. On his first voyage, he ran into bad weather and ran out of some supplies. In all, cabot took three voyages, reaching America in his second. When he first landed, it was said that he did not look around the new found life. His letters were written because he wanted to tell his opinion of the new world when he finally explored it. In one of his letters, it says, “Being in doubt, he came back to the ship. He has been away three months on the voyage, which is certain, and, in returning, he saw two islands to the right, but he did not wish to land, lest he should lose time for he was in want of provisions.” Meaning that he had set a goal to get back to the land and finish what he intended to do. Cabot returned to England after his third voyage In Columbus’ Letters to the King and Queen of Spain, Columbus writes what he thinks should be done to the newland. He gives suggestions such as there needs to be a church, and that people cannot search for gold without unless they were granted to do so. In his letters, he is talking about the island of Espanola. Columbus believes that there should be a mayor to keep order. This document was written to tell the King and Queen what he thinks the rules and