Similarities Between Frankenstein And Seth Brundle's Character In Frankenstein '

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In both of the stories we see that the same thing happen to the main characters which was they were both transformed into vermin. The transformations were different because one turned into a beetle and the other turned into a fly. The biggest difference between the two is that Brundle had a very slow and painful transformation whereas Samsa’s transformation was quick and easy and just over night. Seth Brundle deserved to be turned into a vermin because he was attempting to change science and play the role of god through his experiments, whereas Samsa did not deserve to become a vermin because he was an innocent person and was only attempting to live a normal life. Because Seth Brundle tried to play the role of god through his experiments he consequently was turned into a fly. I believe that there are certain things as humans we have the right to do and other things we are not meant to do. I believe that god does not want us to change what he has created and wants everything to stay the same. Brundle violates this by trying to take teleportation in his own hands. His scientific experiment of developing teleporters and attempting to teleport himself would ultimately become his downfall. Just like how in the book Frankenstein, Victor creates something that is living and tries to play the role of god and as a consequence his creation turns on him and makes his life a lot more difficult and just as Brundle, …show more content…

As he is described in the story Samsa seems to be just an average guy who wants nothing more than to live a normal life. He tragically is turned into a beetle overnight which is possibly the most irregular thing that could happen to him. I felt sympathy towards him because he was working really hard so that he could pay off not his debt but his parents debt. This makes me wonder why such a horrific thing would happen to to such an innocent