Similarities Between Historical Slavery And Modern Day Slavery

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“History repeats itself, but in such cunning disguise that we never detect the resemblance until the damage is done.” A quote from Sydney J. Harris. Does history repeat itself? A controversial topic that many people tend to disagree about. Though, there are many instances where history has repeated itself. Throughout history, the exploitation of humans for economic gain has taken many forms, one of which is slavery. While slavery has been officially abolished in most parts of the world, modern day slavery still persists and shares many similarities with its historical counterpart.

Historical slavery was a system in which people were owned by others and were forced to work without pay. Slaves were treated as property and had no rights or legal protections. This system was prevalent in many parts of the world including ancient Greece, Rome, the Americas, and even in the Ottoman Empire. In the United States, the exploitation of African slaves was a significant economic driver for centuries, and slavery was only abolished after a long and bloody struggle.

Modern-day slavery takes many different forms, but it often involves people being forced to work …show more content…

In the past, slaves were often captured through war or other forms of violence, or were born into slavery. Today,more people who are victims of modern day slavey are also vulnerable, such as those who are forced into labor of sex work due to poverty, lack of education, or other forms of social inequality. Another similarity is that both forms of slavery involve the use of force, coercion, and violence to maintain control over individuals. Historical slave owners used physical violence and the threat of violence to maintain control over their slaves, while modern day slave owners may use similar tactics, such as threats of deportation, harm to family members, or even physical