Similarities Between Hitler's 'Nation And Race'

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After reading chapter seven’s “Nation and Race”, Hitler wanted to create an ethno-nationalist party that wanted to eradicate Jews because they controlled financial institutions, race inferiority, and religious conflicts among Christians. Within Hitler’s manifesto Mein Kampf, he brought up the term “folkish” to describe the importance of the Aryan race and how we should keep the bloodlines pure from other races. Through his Nationalist Socialist German Worker’s Party, he insinuated that the Aryan race superseded other races and should acquire complete global control. In comparison to “folkish”, Hitler described the Aryan race as the master race, but the Jewish people as parasites destabilizing nations throughout time. Moreover, while “folkish” communities had …show more content…

Another description Hitler gave towards Jewish people compared to “folkish” people is its community puts an emphasis on serving their own self-interests over the overall interests of the community. Lastly, Hitler compared the Jewish people to have no idealistic outlook, while “folkish” people have an idealistic outlook in trying to shape their communities into having a strong national identity and shared culture. Overall, Hitler’s comparison between both “folkish” and Jewish people had extremely negative connotations towards the Jewish community because he felt the “folkish” was being stripped of its national identity and culture through subversive ideas from the Jewish community.

After reading “Nation and Race” from the textbook, Hitler gave a grim outlook towards the Jewish community and helped inspire the nation of