
Similarities Between Japanese Internment Camps And The Holocaust In The Night

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In december 1941 rumors spread about sending the Japanese to internment camps which means leaving their homes and being separated from their families This is very important to me because they could have handled this a better way , sixty two percent of the internees were united states citizens ! The Japanese internment camps was a forced relocation and incarceration during World War II of between 11,000 and 120,000 people of japanese ancestry who lived in the pacific coast . Ten internment camps were established in California , Utah , Arizona , Colorado , Arkansas and Wyoming . “ President Roosevelt signed executive order 9066 authorizing the war relocation authority to force 110,000 Japanese and their american-born children into relocation …show more content…

To each surviving internees they were awarded $20,000 ! One similarity between the Japanese internment camps and the holocaust in the Night is that they were separated from their family and taken away from home . A difference between them is that I personally think the holocaust was much worst the internment camps because the Jews were sent to gas chambers and they couldn't have children because they would have been killed also women and men had to shave their hair off and work day and night nonstop even if they were sick , last but not least they also had soup to eat and a piece of bread if they were lucky ! Much more people survived in the internment camps then the holocaust as well . In the book Night the quote said “ we cannot give up , we cannot give up she kept repeating” ( Wiesel 20 ) . This reminds me of how the Japanese and the Jews did not give up no matter how hard the situation got and how hard it was to separate from their family but they did they best to survive each day , another difference is the Jews almost starved to death not getting the proper food they need also the children a school to learn because they all the “ toddlers” got put to …show more content…

This was a horrible idea even though this was an after effect on WWII . But I would rather been in the Japanese internment camps instead of the holocaust I think anyone would in my opinion . Lets not forget that Pearl Harbor started this and led to the war , yes the WWII was good for the Jews but pointless for the Japanese because they shouldve never moved them in the first place . Even though they said It would be a good benefit to keep “ America safe” it was horrible and that would've made the Japanese citizens even frustrated and make them rebel against us . The Japanese citizens had no idea where they were going to be evacuated at , Especially for the Japanese - Americans serving in the U.S military this was very agonizing for them . The camps had barbwire all round the area it seemed like there was no hope for them at all ! The evacuation was the law they only thing that could take to the camps were was the stuff they would be able to carry , the lucky ones got two weeks other two days . Just think about it they were civilized people just like us not savages remember that ! All they had left were suitcases and bags really they didn't know what the intention of the government toward them , they didn't know what the future held these were temporary shelters the conditions were extremely rough ; many camps weren't

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