Similarities Between John Priestley And Carl Wilhelm Sheele

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John Priestley and Carl Wilhelm Scheele discovered the element of oxygen. John Priestley was born in Birstall, United Kingdom, 1733, and grew up to be an English chemist who was very much involved in religion, politics, and science. Carl Wilhelm Scheele was born in Stralsund, Germany, in 1742. He was a German Swedish chemist who was a co-founder of chemistry. Each man independently discovered oxygen. Scheele was the first to discover oxygen, however he did not publish his work until 1777.
Joseph Priestley experimented the production of oxygen by heating mercuric oxide powder and he noticed that it produced some sort of gas. He discovered oxygen in his laboratory at Lord Shelburne's country mansion in England. Carl Wilhelm Scheele experimented …show more content…

Some physical characteristics is that it is colorless, odorless, tasteless, melting point: 54.36 K and boiling point: 90.20 K. Chemical properties are that is not flammable, which means that is does not burn. It is toxic and harmful, which means that you cannot breathe in pure oxygen because it damages your brain slowly. It is nonexplosive, which means you need more than one element to make it explode. It is also highly reactive and non-metallic, which means that it forms compounds.
Oxygen is found in many things used in the modern world. For example, oxygen tanks and masks. These help people who cannot breathe on their own through a pump, this is mostly used in hospitals and research centers. The tanks and masks also help scuba divers breathe under water and astronauts breathe in space. Oxygen is also found in rocket fuels. They contain both hydrogen and oxygen that gives enough energy for a rocket to launch into space. Submarines also contains oxygen mixed with other gases help provide air underwater. Oxygen therapy is another useful product that contains oxygen. It is used in hospitals and research centers to control emergency situations, and it provides more oxygen to the patient to help their medical