Four freedoms and Inaugural Address Have you ever tried to compare Roosevelt's “Four freedoms” speech and Kennedy’s “Inaugural Address”? If you havent I think I should, I am gonna show you some similarities and show you some pretty interesting things, also going to show you some differences! For example both of those speeches address acts of war, but both have different ideas of settling it. Body paragraph The Four Freedoms speech is actually quite an interesting speech, he insisted that all nations of the world shared America's entitlement to “Four Freedoms.” While the Inaugural Address, JFK had much more serious matters, this was in fact dealing with nuclear weapons, so in his speech he strongly discussed that peace must be made between our enemies and we could all come together, If JFK would have suggested war, we may not have been here today in my personal opinion. …show more content…
JFK thanks old allies and allies that are with us at that current time, I think he believes their will be war, he is just trying his hardest not to sound like their will be, just to insure no worryness in his people. Roosevelt, was a strong believer that freedom came from god, he believed freedom comes in a price of fear. Roosevelt I think he knew exactly what he was doing, I feel as if Roosevelt handled the problem better and with more courage. Both speeches are using different strategies to solve the current threat, both are quite different but weirdly have some similarities. I believe the way roosevelt addressed it was better than JFK, JFK’s seemed rushed and weak. Roosevelt saw how the allies were struggling and new he had to have the US join the war, JFK didn't try to take action just mostly suggested peace, I believe JFK would have handled it