Similarities Between Macbeth And Okonkwo

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Macbeth and Okonkwo
The Thane of Glamis and a man living in fear of being like his failure of a father ,in two different places and times of the world. The similarities between these two not so divergent men are easy to find. Macbeth and Okonkwo are tragic heroes and that is first of many reasons why they are similar; they both are driven by ambition and pride. Enough that both Macbeth and Okonkwo committed morbid murders to establish their authority. Their ambition causes their own tragic downfalls and shows the failings of humanity no matter the differences in time period or cultures.
Macbeth’s tragic flaw is his own pride, the prophecies of witches saying that he would one day have the throne and the quite easy persuasion from his wife, Lady Macbeth led him to commit the murder of King Duncan so that he could be the King of Scotland. Insuring to himself that what the witches said would be true whether they said it just to invoke him, or if it was fate for him to become King. In an aside Macbeth says that his greatest position comes after the present promotion, referring to the fact that he was just promoted to Thane of Cawdor because the previous Thane of Cawdor was killed for treason.
As well as his own pride, Macbeth’s ambition leads to insensitivity and cruelty. Though Macbeth was filled with kindness when the …show more content…

They wouldn’t be considered just heroes because they were not admired or idealized for doing good things or having noble qualities. Neither Macbeth nor Okonkwo did noble deeds; they both were filled with eagerness and longed for power over others. The time period and culture difference between Macbeth and Things Fall Apart makes their connection of human failings all throughout time and in everything undeniable. Macbeth and Okonkwo both had ambitious, prideful, and eager characteristics that no matter the reasoning caused their own

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