Similarities Between Malcolm X And Mahatma Gandhi

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Malcolm X and Mahatma Gandhi both saw injustice in their societies and were moved to take action to bring liberation to their people. However, because of the diverse experiences of the men, they came up with radically different approaches to achieving that end. While Gandhi espoused non-violence and peaceful protest, Malcolm believed the violence was necessary as the oppressors will not surrender control peacefully. Mahatma Gandhi of India saw the control of the British on his nation as a hindrance to the natives’ realization their full potential as citizens, and this prompted him to start a movement which was determined to change the status quo. Since Gandhi was a Hindu, his principles were shaped by the religion’s Ahimsa (non-violence and peace). Gandhi’s peaceful approach was praised in an article, “Gandhi’s tradition of nonviolence has no parallel.” (Chekki, 1993, p. 48). The leader encouraged his followers to resist passively in an effort to frustrate their persecutors, but never to resort to physical harm on them. The very name Mahatma means, great soul and was given to him as a result of him pioneering the principle, Satyagraha-resistance to tyranny through mass nonviolent civil disobedience. …show more content…

This transformational leader concentrated on raising the people’s consciousness while shaping their values and goals. The sessions were practically religious sessions in which Gandhi played the role of teacher and spiritual leader. Even in doing so Gandhi preferred small groups and his demeanor and speech exudes peace and calm “Gandhi spoke in a low tone and was a hesitant public speaker.” (Tierney, 1989, p. 166). This quote indicates that the leader, even through speech, wanted to maintain a spirit of self control and tranquility which he thought was necessary in his fight for