Similarities Between Mccarthyism And The Crucible

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The Similarities Between McCarthyism and The Crucible
Communism was a serious controversy in America in the early 1950s. Framing someone or being framed was a common way of survival for those who have been accused of a secret conspiracy. Interrogations were practiced among those who were opened minded. Intellectuals were targeted the most. Citizens who were victims of unfair accusations lost their jobs and economical earnings for not giving evidence to the House of American Activities Committee, also known as HUAC. HUAC was an organization that targeted down people that have been claimed to be communist. Although this was a major event in U.S history, it’s not the first time a situation like McCarthyism has happened in America. The Salem Witch …show more content…

Insufficient evidence was given to HUAC and thus getting people to stand before the highest authority to testify. As stated in document D “ an invisible crime” Danforth and Hale are discussing whether who is guilty and who is not. ‘’ In an ordinary crime, how does one defend the accused?’’ Hale has signed Rebecca nurse to death. Having remorse to what he did he questions Danforth ‘’ I am a minister of the Lord, and dare not take a life without there be proof so immaculate no slightest qualm of conscience may doubt it.’’ Both seem to know some are actually innocent and had nothing to do with witchcraft. This also applies the same situation in document A “I did wrong to withhold these names” Mr. Kazan was put to testify before HUAC in Jan 14 1952. Although he failed to testify he later returned in april 1952 to give the testimony. As he says the names of the people who were apparently espionage of a secretive agenda, they were later brought on for questioning. Despite Mr.Kazan not giving enough evidence to the committee, they did no further research on the people who were accused by Mr. Kazan later on. This type of justice was an unprejudiced system in which the government made no effort to further investigate each individual's innocences. Safe to say that this evidence of both parallels gives an unscrupulous status in both their society and way of