Similarities Between Norms And Values In To Kill A Mockingbird

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A comparison between To Kill A Mockingbird and A Time To Kill reveals that norms and values in society are dynamic, rather than static.
Discuss with reference to your prescribed texts

Throughout the progression of time, norms and values of society are constantly evolving , rather than static.Look around ourselves the world we live in today is surrounded by an increasing number of threats, a religion which once was a symbol of peace has now been wrongfully interpreted as the religion of war, this is how dynamic society can be they are and will never travel in a static path. The Bible itself has undergone innumerable amounts of change, when society feels that they can't continue to function without a specific verse of the bible a new “updated” transcript” is released that does not include the particular …show more content…

This proves that norms in society are dynamic as opposed to static.However, over time there will always be change in any society which seeks the freedom and equality of individuals. Thus, attitudes to norms as disparate as: women’s right to control their own body, recognition of different forms ofsexuality or racial hatred have all changed over time. Harper Lee and Joel Schumacher have each created texts, set in twentieth century America, which explore social norms and values,they present a clear case that norms in society are dynamic rather than static. The attitudes of some white people to black members of their society remained remarkably similar during that period – a vicious racist bigotry. However, this