
Similarities Between Syria And Latin America

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Almost a million people have already emigrated from Syria and Latin America this year. Emigration, the migration out of a place, in Syria and Latin America is comparable, yet has some distinct similarities. When speaking about emigration in these regions, consider push and pull factors, migrant acceptance, and nature. Push factors, or forces that induces people to move out of their present location, are classified into three categories: economic, cultural, and environmental. While Syrians are migrating mainly because of cultural reasons, Latin Americans are generally leaving for economic reasons, which, though less noteworthy, in Syria is quite common. These regions are known for their almost complete lack of economic stability. Nueva Mayoria, …show more content…

An upsurge in fighting has complicated aid efforts and driven some families deeper into despair.” The emigrants of Syria and Latin America are clearly being pushed away from their current homes, but why do they choose the regions they are going to? These regions, Europe and the United States respectively, have distinct pull factors, or forces that induce people to move to a location. For Syrians, Europe’s most desirable is the lack of civil war and internal turmoil. The people of Europe are considered by Syrians to be caring and welcoming, as said by report The Independent reporter Robert Fisk:
“I suspect it's because they know enough about Europe and our history and about us to know that we are good people, that we are kind people. I think they know that, deep beneath our carapace of cynicism and materialism and our lack of religious faith, the idea of humanism is alive in Europe and that we can be decent, good, thoughtful, honest people.”

Latin Americans tend to chose the United States because it is globally known as a land of opportunity. It has a strong economy and high minimum wage. Health care and education are available for free. Unlike many countries in Latin America, the US government allows for many “god-given rights” and is not corrupt. Also, the United States has the strongest military in the world, and it is consequently safe to live …show more content…

Countries are literally blockading these people from migrating. Latin Americans have been verbally abused by a man who could possibly be our next president; “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.” Innocent people are shot at the borders, their only crime is wanting a better life for themselves and their families. Latin Americans are discriminated against by employers and police. Their new lives in America are quite difficult. According to a study by Prison Policy Initiative, Latinos make up a third of the U.S. prison population. In Europe, countries like Austria are building massive walls to keep out Syrians, while Turkey and other nearby countries struggle to support the millions of refugees already there. The neighboring Gulf States, including Saudi Arabia, are of almost no help to Syrians, who have avoided UN conferences on the subject and now claim they have “no obligation to help.” These refugees, who clearly need help, are being shunned and excluded. There is also absolutely no need to be excluding either party, as a greater population creates a stronger and more diversified economy. Emigrants who risk their lives to enter a country are almost guaranteed to be hard workers, and would surely boost the economy by earning and spending

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