Similarities Between The American Dream And Adam Ehrenreich

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Just like many in the American public, Adam Sheppard and Barbara Ehrenreich have an opposing viewpoints about whether or not the American dream is achievable. There are strong arguments on both sides of the issue, and there are many viewpoints that exist in between. The American dream to me is a complex idea that has changed over time. Many Americans and immigrants have tried to achieve the American Dream and failed to do so. I disagree when they say “ The American Dream is achievable for all”. I believe that the American dream is alive, but only some US citizens and immigrants can achieve it. My American Dream consists of financial stability and a well good paying job that doesn't lower your income because of the race or ethnicity you are. …show more content…

In order to achieve this it involves a path of knowledge, knowing what resources are available, determination, change, believing in myself. I feel more confident now that I have already put myself on a path of a good decision making to continue my education. It’s all about making good decisions and knowing what opportunities you have available to you. The reasons why I chose Scratch Beginnings as my reasons is because Adam started from scratch with just only $25 dollars that he had to make last trying to live The American Dream. On the other hand, Barbara Ehrenreich thought the American Dream was swiping her card every chance she got and buying expensive items. This is why I say the American Dream is only alive for some citizens because she could not do what Adam did with just $25 dollars because the pants she bought were more than …show more content…

When she had got home from the hospital, she had got evicted from the apartments and they gave her three days to get everything out, but she couldn't do it because she was in poverty with 5 kids. The lady in the podcast could not do what Adam did with just only $25 because she has 5 kids that need her, but Adam on the one hand could because it was just him and he was determined and made sure he wise with his money and his quarters and