
Similarities Between The Giver And Fahrenheit 451

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What would your perfect society be? Some people will say that their society's government is in the wrong, most people say that the way their society functions is wrong and some people will realize that their society is treating a certain group of people wrong . The concept of a perfect or Utopian society is not an achievable goal because as we see in so many literary pieces such as the Giver and Fahrenheit 451 at least one person disagrees with the values of the society. Some people believe that their society's government is in the wrong. In the novel Harrison Bergeron the protagonist Harrison believes that the government imposing handicaps on people oppressed them and held them back. He tries to change this before he himself is silenced ¨Harrison …show more content…

In this said novel the protagonist Matt is the clone of a deceased Drug Lord El Patron. Since Patron is dead his clone Matt becomes a real person. He inherits all of El Patron's land including thousands of Eijitas which are people that tried to cross across El Patron's territory and now have been implanted with a chip that makes them less than human. “Eejits can feel pain, mi patron, otherwise I couldn't train them. I don't think they suffer in the same way we do. To suffer implies emotion, and eejits don't have that” (Farmer) Matt believes that the whole Eejits thing is inhuman and he ends up freeing them all. Another example of this is the Giver in which the main character Jonas realizes that the babies of the society that are born less strong and weigh less are euthanized. He hates that this practice exists and runs away to try and stop this. ¨Still in the special voice, his father was saying, “I know, I know. It hurts, little guy. But I have to use a vein, and the veins in your arms are still too teeny-weeny.” He pushed the plunger very slowly, injecting the liquid into the scalp vein until the syringe was empty.¨ …show more content…

In this world if your level is two low you are not able to purchase simple things like medicine and clean food. While the higher level/ higher class of people live in luxury while the lower class are stuck and unable to level up. This is an example of oppression and oppression has existed forever. Since the dawn of time a certain group of people have oppressed a group of people different from them a clear example of this is Nazi Germany they believed in creating perfect race or utopian race much like in the book Scythe(Neal Shusterman) but even in this society where everyone is the same the Scythes are the only people that can cause death and they themselves never die this is a huge gap between the normal people and the people with power. This gap exists even in our world

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